Screen For Change
Our Dubbing Services – We are specialize in Indian regional languages.
AI-powered Portfolio to generate, visualize, edit creative content.
1. Pre-Prod
Pre-Prod services – We are building an end to end services to discover story idea to a full blown pitch deck, screenplay, storyboard and play blast… watch this space.
2. Process Applications
An efficient film making or content creation requires a lot of co-ordination, project management, task management and effective time management. We are building an easy to use software to make the film making process smooth and informative.
3. Post-Prod
This section of the portfolio involves all the services such as editing, dubbing, color grading, trailer making etc. At present only dubbing services are ready to useĀ for our students.
4. Promotion & Distribution
Helping film makers find a right audience for their creativity by doing thorough research on social listening, web analytics and digital marketing. its coming soon …
5. Marketplace for divine creativity
Here is a place where creator will meet its commercial destiny, a place to interact and exchange the creativity amongst like minded people .. its coming soon